
Twelve Prophets, Volume 1: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Daily Study Bible Series: 12 Prophets, Volume 1 The complete Daily Study Bible—Old Testament follows the brilliant pattern of William Barclay's popular Daily Study Bible—New Testament. Written by accomplished interpreters of the OT, these volumes combine the depth of scholarship, the critical style, and the grace that characterized Barclay's writing.

hearer to reflect upon its meaning, so too does the Book of Jonah end with a question (4:11), inviting the reader to reflect upon its meaning. In the interpretation that follows the details of the story, and the meaning of the parts, are examined in more detail. But, though recognizing the hypothetical nature of any interpretation, the overall context in which the interpretation is presented is the view that the book should be read as an extended parable. THE TEACHING OF THE BOOK The book has both
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